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The Radiant Reset - Spring 2021

Lighten up! Do you feel sluggish, heavy and congested? Do allergies, itchy eyes, headaches colds and flu show up for you in the Spring?  This digestive reset allows us to shed toxins and enhance our health and well being for months to come. You will emerge feeling fresh, energetic, light, clear and RADIANT in body and mind.

Cleansing in spring helps the body to expel excess mucus and fat that accumulated in winter, as well as maximizing our body’s natural inclination to discharge what it no longer needs.

Commit to 3 days of self-care, self-reflection, & self-nourishment, where together we will embark on a powerful, (yet gentle) Ayurvedic cleanse to give your body a break, reset the digestive system & recharge both the body and mind. This is a perfect first experience with Ayurvedic cleansing and is manageable with your normal routine. Enjoy delicious food, learn traditional self-care rituals & re-discover your radiance!

  • Per person: $50

  • Cleanse with a friend/family: $40 each

  • Past cleanse participants: $25

  • Optional ingredient bundle for N. Florida participants: $25 (includes ingredients for Kitchari, customized spice blend, tea blend, tongue scraper)

To register or for more information, contact me here.

March 7

Yoga Nidra

April 2

Embrace Spring: An Ayurvedic + Yoga Approach workshop with Elizabeth